The Ultimate Puzzle Collection
The Ultimate Puzzle Collection (Parts I–IV) brings together 200 different types of logic puzzles.
Each part of this unique compilation has an engaging variety of object-placement, number-placement and arithmetic, shading, loop, pattern, grid-division, path, and connection logic puzzles.
There are 1000 challenging puzzles to solve in every book – 20 easy to hard puzzles each of the 50 different kinds in each part of the collection. There are puzzles of different grid sizes and as they progressively increase in difficulty (rated 1 star to 3 stars), they are suitable for beginners and experienced puzzlers alike.
Each book is a 8.5″x11″ paperback with four puzzles on every page in a slightly larger print. Instructions, solving strategies/hints, cheatsheets, and solutions are also included in the books.

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part I, Book I
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other
Puzzles in this book: Arrow Maze, Battleships, Calcudoku, Castle Wall, Chiyotsui, Coffee Milk, Country Road, Creek, Digital Battleships, Dominosa, Double Minesweeper, Eulero, Every Second Turn, Fillomino, From 1 to X, Gaps, Geradeweg, Hakoiri, Hanare, Hashiwokakero (Bridges), Heki, Island, Kapama, Kuromasu (Kurodoko), Kuroshiro, Light Up, Mochikoro, Nawabari, Not as Easy as ABC, Number Chain, Nuribou, Patchwork (Tatami), Pipelink, Pure Loop, Rabbits and Trees, Rect-Slider, Set Carpets, Skyscrapers, Slash Pack, Slitherlink, Snake, Starry Night, Sukrokuro, Terra X, Tetoron, Thermometers, Tile Paint, Unlike Mosaic, Usowan, Worms (Wamuzu)

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part II, Book I
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other
Puzzles in this book: Aquarium, Balance Loop, Binary, Cojun, Corral (Cave), Detour, Dominion, Double Choco, Douieru, Easy as ABC, Endorain, Fillmat, Four Cells, Four Winds, Gokigen Naname, Hebi-Ichigo, Hiroimono (Goishi), Hitori, Illustration, Index Sums, Kaero (Return Home), Kakuro, Kurochute, Kuroclone, Light and Shadow, Lighthouse Battleships, Lighthouses, Line Segment, Linesweeper, Moon or Sun, Multiple Snakes, Numbrix, Round Trip, Sashigane, Sashikabe, Sheep and Wolves, Shirokuro, Sign In, Skyscraper Sudoku, Stitches, Stostone, Sukoro, Tasquare, Tenner Grid, Tetroid, Tren, Tripod Sudoku, Unique Marker, Yajisan-Kazusan, Yin-Yang

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part III, Book I
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other
Puzzles in this book: Araf, Border Block, Bricks, Chocona, Clouds, Corner Loop, Different Neighbors, Doors (Seethrough), Doppelblock, Double Back, Fillomino No Squares, Futoshiki, Gemini Blocks, Goats and Wolves, Ham Sandwich, Hidato, Ichimaga, Inside/Outside Corral, Kin-Kon-Kan, Koburin, Kurotto, Makaro, Masyu, Mathrax, Mid-Loop, Milk-Tea, Minesweeper, Minesweeper Battleships, Mintonette, Nanro, Norinori, Number Ball, Nuraf, Nurikabe, Oases, Paint Area, Pairs Nurikabe, Renban, Santoitchi, Satogaeri, Scrin, Shimaguni, SquarO, Star Battle, Star Cluster, Stars and Arrows, Toroidal Snake, Triplets, Usotatami, Yonmasu

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part IV, Book I
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other
Puzzles in this book: Aqre, Canal View, Chain Sudoku, Correct Connection, Dotchi-Loop, Entry Exit, Five Cells, Galaxies, Gems and Stones, Golem Grad, Grades, Grand Tour, Heyawake, I-Loop, Kanjo, Knossos, Look-Air, Magnetic Ichimaga, Milk-Tease, Mirror Akari, Mobility, Neighboring Dominoes, Nondango, Number Cross, Nurimisaki, Remote Edge, Renkatsu, Retrograde Battleships, Ripple Effect, Shakashaka, Shingoki, Snake Pit, Straights, Sudoku Mine, Suguru, Sujiken, Sukima, Sum Skyscrapers, Tapa, Tapa No Squares, Tatamibari, Tents and Trees, Toichika, Trace Numbers, Trinairo, Trinudo, Turf, Walls, Yajikabe, Yajilin
Book II of the Ultimate Puzzle Collection (Parts I–IV)
Same format but all new puzzles!
Book III of the Ultimate Puzzle Collection (Parts I–IV)
Coming soon!

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part I, Book III
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part II, Book III
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part III, Book III
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other

The Ultimate Puzzle Collection – Part IV, Book III
US, CA; UK, DE, FR, ES, IT, other